Saturday, September 28, 2019

Posted by Casino King | 9:25 PM | No comments
Extremely Important Texas Holdem Secrets How To Not Psych Yourself Out
Most players psych themselves out and cause themselves to lose. Learn these Texas Holdem Secrets now so this never happens to you.
This is true for life and Texas Holdem poker - what you think becomes a reality. The problem is, most people think negative thoughts and bad things about everything. It's not their fault, we are hard-wired for negative thinking. Why?
Well back in the day of hunting and berries... and saber-tooth-tigers... thinking negatively was a good thing. If you were sleeping in your cave and heard a sound outside, a negative thought of 'Maybe that's a pack of wild dogs about to kill me' would cause you to get up and get ready to escape out your caves secret back entrance.
An optimist in this situation who thought 'Oh, it's probably just the wind' and rolled over and went back to sleep might not have gotten through the night. So as time went on the optimists died out and negativity was our saving grace.
Problem is it's not very helpful in poker.
The One Single Most Important Texas Holdem Secret To Prevent Yourself From Hurting Your Own Game.
The first and foremost negative thoughts people think is when the continually relish in previous bad beats. The constantly play the bad beat through their head over and over again, each time feeling the excruciatingly painful anguish more and more.
Thinking about bad beats is negative thought behavior. This reduces your confidence, reduces your risk profile and overall damages your game. How do you expect to win when you are constantly thinking about how bad you lost on a bad beat.
If you reduce or completely eliminate thinking about bad beats your Texas Holdem Poker game will explode. It's easy to succeed when you have a positive and confident posture at the table.
There are many more crazy brain tricks you can perform to instantly improve your poker game. But you'll never know them unless you continue now to learn more Texas Holdem Secret like this.


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